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BRANCH OFFICERS: Click here for list and further information: Branch Officers

This branch of The Royal British Legion was formed 27 July 2006 to cover Central Brittany. Join us at one of our Social Events, make new friends/meet old friends and enjoy the comradeship that the Legion brings. Perhaps you are already a member of the RBL and would like to transfer to the Central Brittany Branch? The Central Brittany Branch welcomes new members from all walks of life of any nationality, ex-service or not, we have English and French members!

The Royal British Legion provides financial, social and emotional support to millions who have served and are currently serving in the Armed Forces, and their dependants. The Legion was founded in 1921 as a voice for the ex-Service community and over 600,000 members (including 15,000 outside the UK) continue to ensure that this voice does not go unheard. Although the needs of ex-Service people have changed over the years, we are still there to safeguard their welfare, interests and memory. British service people are in action around the world every day of the year. They know that if they need our support - now or in the future - the Legion is always on active duty for them

We raised 4.261,00 euros in 2007 for the Poppy Appeal Fund; the Poppy Appeal 2008 raised a record £4,891.62. There was another record year for the Branch Poppy Appeal in 2009 when we raised £6,621.86 (or 7.578,06 euros); and yet another record was set in 2010 with a total of £7,803.81 (or 9.052,42 euros) sent to Poppy Appeal HQ. Click here to see: 2010 Branch Poppy Appeal Account

It's not necessary to be ex-service to join The Royal British Legion. If you would like further information on the work of the Legion, or become a member of the Central Brittany Branch, please get in touch through our Membership Secretary: Geoff Lace - email: Membership Secretary

La branche Bretagne Centre de la Royal British Legion a été créée en 2006 et comprend plus de 120 membres actifs dont les effectifs grossissent régulièrement.

Fondée en 1921, la Royal British Legion est le porte-parole de la communauté des vétérans et avec plus de 600.000 membres (dont 15.000 hors du Royaume-Uni), elle continue à garantir que leur voix continuera à être entendue. Elle fournit un soutien financier, social et moral aux millions de soldats qui ont servi et servent actuellement dans les armées britanniques ainsi qu'à leurs familles.

Bien que les besoins des vétérans aient changé au cours des années, nous sommes toujours de plus en plus présents pour leur prêter assistance, défendre leurs intérêts et leur mémoire. Les soldats britanniques interviennent tous les jours de l'année dans le monde entier et ils savent que s'ils ont besoin de notre soutien - maintenant ou à l'avenir - la Royal British Legion sera toujours présente pour eux.


Saint Mathieu Service of remembrance

The Royal British Legion Central Brittany Branch Chairman Rodney Curtis and Standard Bearer were invited to attend a service of remembrance organised by the association “At Sea” for service personal and Lifeboat men lost at sea since the association was formed.
The service was held on a sunny Saturday afternoon at the National Memorial for Sailors and attended by more than 1,000 people including 300 Standard Bearers of the National Union of Combatants and our own Royal British Legion Standard.
Many family members of the 1,200 seamen who gave their lives for their country attended this moving service. The Life Boat association have lost 80 seamen either declared dead or missing.
The ceremony was chaired by Admiral Lagane with French naval personal on parade either side of the memorial. A superb pipe band played during the tribute and red, white and blue balloons were released into the sky.

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Memorial Service for the French Submarine Surcouf

On 18 May, the branch attended a memorial service for the french submarine Surcouf and the men in her who were lost 70 years ago, at the windswept Pointe St Mathieu, west of Brest. The National Marine Memorial stands there, remembering all sailors who died for France and where, in 1847, Gustave Flaubert wrote: "Here ends the old world. There you have the most advanced point, the extreme limit. Behind you is all of Europe, all of Asia. In front of you is the all the sea; only the sea." It's a fitting site for this commemoration.
Conducted by the French Navy, the host was Pierre Léaustic, Président of the Association "Aux Marines". A delegation from our branch, headed by chairman and standard bearer, were warmly welcomed and displayed our colours. The ceremony was opened by a bugler as the Seaman’s Guard presented arms. Several wreaths, including our own, were laid at the monument to the accompaniment of naval shanties. Then the entourage descended into the crypt-like museum. Here, Surcouf and submariners in general were solemnly remembered. The names of Surcouf's 130, including 3 Britons, were read as a bell tolled.
To fully appreciate the significance of this ceremony one needs to consider the submarine remembered: Surcouf. She was truly a remarkable boat - a 'one-off' - and like no other submarine in any navy before or since. Commissioned in the early 1930s she was a bold experiment; the biggest submarine in the world and the only one ever designated a 'cruiser submarine'. With two turret-mounted 8-inch guns and a seaplane hangar aft her silhouette was unmistakable. With a length overall of 360 feet she was 150 feet longer than the U-Boats of the war. Her submerged displacement of 5,000 tons was double that of most submarines of the day. At the fall of France in 1940, Surcouf, along with other units of the Navy, joined the Free French Forces. She was visited by General Charles de Gaulle and then sailed to America to team up with the Royal Navy and US navy in the western Atlantic. In 1942, in the Caribbean, she was mysteriously lost under circumstances yet to be determined. Whether it was in a submerged collision with an American freighter, not showing navigational lights on a moonless night, or a dawn attack from a US bomber, we will never know.
Like a national myth: Surcouf submerged - and then departed on Eternal Patrol. She was the pride of the French Navy and is still remembered as such today.

"Stand by your Beds!" - The Branch in Normandy, 2012

A party of some 16 branch members made the trip to Normandy for the annual commemorations in 2012. A group of them remembered the good old army days and Branch standard bearer Dave "Basha" Bashford celebrated his 65th birthday on 6th June by working very hard for the branch, carrying the Standard at seven ceremonies. In the evening, the group were entertained to supper with a group of young people from Lomme (near Lille) who were visiting Normandy to learn about the events of 6th June in 1944. At the end of the meal, suddenly all the students stood up and serenaded Basha with "Happy Birthday" in English.
the group returned to their caravans, where they shared a birthday glass of something and ate Basha's birthday cake, which Dorothy (second from the left) had made. Then someone asked the departure time for the next day. Chairman Rodney said: "I expect you all to stand by your beds for inspection at 09h45 before we start for Longueval." So Bernard, Dorothy, Basha and Pam decided to surprise him. As you will see by the photographs, they were all on parade in the lane at the right time!!! Rodney was somewhat surprised!!!
But things deteriorated, the rain commenced as the first ceremony started that morning ... and became heavier and heavier until it stopped after the last ceremony had finished.

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Branch chairman, Rodney Curtis, inspects just how much bull Bernard has inflicted on his boots

The parade stands to attention after a rigorous inspection; Dorothy sighs a breath of relief as she's only given seven day's jankers

Branch remembers the brave heroes of Operation Chariot

The branch had a substantial presence at St Nazaire on 28 March 2012 for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Operation Chariot which took place on 28 March 1942. Operation Chariot was a successful amphibious attack on the dry dock at St Nazaire on the north bank of the Loire River in western France) by combined Royal Navy and Marine Commando forces. During the raid the obsolete destroyer, HMS Campbeltown, along with other small craft crossed the Channel. HMS Campbeltown was loaded with delayed-action explosives and rammed the dock gates – the bombs went off later in the day – while the commandos attacked various land targets.
The idea of the raid was to prevent the Germans from using the dry dock for repairs to their large ships such as the battleship Tirpitz. That part of plan worked very well, putting the dry dock out of action for ten years, but the Germans sunk or immobilised all the smaller craft and the commandos had to fight their way out through the town to try to escape overland. They were forced to surrender when their ammunition was expended and they were surrounded.
Sadly, 169 British were killed, 215 taken prisoner of war, and only 228 returned to England. To recognise their bravery, 89 decorations were awarded to members of the raiding party, including five Victoria Crosses. After the war St Nazaire was one of 38 battle honours awarded to the Commandos; the operation has since become known as The Greatest Raid of All.
The ceremony on the 28th March 2012 was to commemorate the bravery of all these men, some are still alive and were at the ceremony.
The Royal British Legion Central Brittany Branch was represented by its Standard; and a wreath was laid by branch chairman Rodney Curtis. There were seven other legion members present.
It was a moving experience for all present, especially seeing the veterans with all their medals for bravery, and to see them inspecting the troops; of course, there was the traditional vin d’honneur afterwards.

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Branch chairman, Rodney Curtis, gets ready to lay a wreath on behalf of the branch

British Military Attaché and the Mayor St Nazaire at the rear

This is the highly-decorated General Corran Purdon MC who was in charge of blowing up the pump station to the docks

Jacques Chaigneau President ANT-TRN Region Bretagne and branch member alongside chairman Rodney Curtis

A Fond Farewell to Adele and Alan

Welfare committee chairman Adele Byron and welfare committee secretary Alan Byron (Alan was branch secretary for three years 2007-2010) are presented with Certificates in appreciation of their great service to the branch by Arthur Curtis, branch chairman. Under their expert guidance the welfare services provided by the branch have grown by 600% as they and their team handled some 32 needy cases in Brittany over the year 2010 to 2011.

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Branch chairman, Rodney Curtis, presents Don Dykes (left) with a pennant recognising his years of service to the branch

Here is a sad message from Rodney Curtis: Don Dykes MBE, our treasurer from 2006 to 2011, died on Saturday 21st January 2012 after suffering a severe stroke in early December. Don worked very hard for the branch, not only as treasurer but also he researched and set up a list and map of all the known Commonwealth graves in Brittany. Our thoughts and condolences go to Joan his wife, and his family.

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VJ-Day Commemoration

The Branch had a most successful event to commemorate VJ-Day. The ceremony was attended by over 30 Branch Members, family and friends met at the Resistance Museum just outside Reguiny on a beautiful sunny day. After paying homage to those who lost their lives in the Pacific conflict, together with those who suffered as as result of the war, some 26 members retired to Harry and Barbara Eastwood’s residence for an excellent lunch. The picture shows Branch Standard Bearer, Dave Ball, on parade with Branch Chairman, Arthur Curtis

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The branch says "Thank you Don"

On Tuesday 1st February 2011, at the monthly social meeting at the Relais de l'Oust in Josselin, branch chairman Arthur Curtis (right of picture) and immediate past-chairman Rodney Curtis (left), said goodbye and a huge thank you to Don Dykes MBE who is returning from France to live again in the UK. Don has been branch treasurer and membership secretary for almost five years, ever since the branch was formed in 2006. The two chairmen presented Don with a very special Certificate of Service marking the branch's thanks and appreciation for the stalwart service provided by him in this vital role over the years. "Don was a constant support for me, the committee and the branch," said Rodney Curtis who was branch chairman for three years from 2007 to 2010. "We will miss him a great deal and wish him the very best for his future retirement."

Click here for information on the Branch About the Branch

Branch Attends Welfare Training Course

Branch members recently attended a welfare training course in Portsmouth. The course gave insight into the functioning and administration of RBL Welfare, its organisation and training.
Instructor Brian Simpson was highly knowledgeable in all aspects of welfare and group process. He responded to the needs of the group in an insightful and stimulating fashion. Alongside is a picture of the training group on the last day of the weekend training course.
From left to right the attendees were:
Kate Curtis (Poppy Appeal Officer), Rodney Curtis (Branch Chairman), Adele Byron (Welfare Officer), Alan Byron (Branch Secretary), Brian Simpson (Course Tutor), and new caseworkers: Sue Burton, Anne Lennon, Sandra Humphries and Mike Derrett.
The Central Brittany Branch now has eight trained course workers.

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Branch Standard at Lanester

On Monday 1st November 2010, the Branch was invited by the Maire of Lanester, Mme Therese Thiery, to take part in ceremonies to remember the dead. The party started at Kervido Cemetery where, after a minute's silence near the entrance, the standards, French and the branch’s (which was carried by Rodney Curtis, Branch Chairman, in the absence of Jimmy Rowe, the Standard Bearer), were paraded around the whole cemetery stopping at various points to remember the people resting there.
Next, the party joined many others at the entrance to Corpont Cemetery for a short remembrance and wreath laying ceremony. Then, preceded by the Standards, the party moved to the memorial inside the cemetery, where again wreaths were laid.
After this, the party visited the graves of seven British airmen who were shot down in 1940 where more wreaths were laid, including one by Jean-Claude Ruel, Branch Liaison Officer, and one by Branch Poppy Appeal Organiser, Catherine Curtis. A wooden cross was placed on each grave. After this, the graves of four previous Maires of Lanester were visited. M Wahmetrus Cilane was kind enough to take some photographs of the branch officers with Mme le Maire, before all members of the party went off for vin d’honneur.

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Thank you Barbara and Dave

Members of the Branch Committee said goodbye with heartfelt thanks to two of its stalwart members at the social meeting in Josselin on Tuesday 3rd August. Chairman Rodney Curtis passed on his personal thanks to the pair and made presentations of appreciation: a Shield to Barbara Eastwood, outgoing Social Secretary, and a Certificate to Dave Ball, outgoing Standard Bearer. "Barbara and Dave have both made huge contributions to the Branch and we owe great debt to them," he said. "We shall miss them from the committee but are delighted that both will continue as active members of the Branch."

Here, on the left is Barbara Eastwood, holding her Shield; in the centre, Branch Chairman, Rodney Curtis; and, displaying his Certificate, is Dave Ball

Click here for information on Branch Officers Branch Officers

The presentation and pictures, please click on this link - McCrae Shield Presentation Ceremony

Jellicoe Shield

Click here to read coverage in the Legion Magazine Article

Congratulations to the committee and every member of the Central Brittany Branch on the presentation of this prestigous Award, the Jellicoe Shield, in the Royal British Legion 2008/09 National Cup Competition. The Shield is awarded to the Branch with over 100 members at the end of the period under consideration which has the most improved membership over the previous three years. The Chairman was presented with the Shield at the Legion's Annual Conference on Sunday 17th May 2009.

Here Adele Byron, Branch Welfare Officer, holding the Shield and Branch Chairman, Rodney Curtis, holding the Certificate, are joined by all the members of the branch committee

The DIAMOND JUBILEE FETE at noon on Sunday 27th May 2012 at the Playing Fields, St Aignan - Featuring a fabulous Tombola with many, many great prizes and loads of fun events including Crown Competition, Coronation Dress Design Competition, several Competitions for dogs and their owners (with a fun dog show) and an Anne de Bretagne Gateau baking Competition; food and drinks are available all day and there is: face painting, model railway, plants, greeting cards and book stalls, games - and much, much more!!! 
Click here to see full list of Tombola Prizes and Competition Rules: Jubilee Prizes and Competition Rules
Click here to see Event Poster in English: Jubilee Poster in English
Click here to see Event Poster in French: Jubilee Poster in French

LONDON, November 2011 - Festival of Remembrance & Cenotaph Ceremony - the RBL has changed the way tickets are allocated to overseas members. Click here for further information: 2011 Festival & Cenotaph Special Circular

The Branch Presidency is handed over ... With effect from 1st August 2009, Major General (Retired) Graham Hollands took over from Lieutenant Colonel Simon Owen, Irish Guards, as President of the Central Brittany Branch of the Royal British Legion.

Letter from the outgoing President ... After almost two years as the President of the Central Brittany Branch of the Royal British Legion, I look back with pride and pleasure on my association with the Branch. The dedication of the Branch Standard in March 2008 was a particular highlight. I think that the speed with which the Branch has grown from the beginnings in 2006 is testament to the hard work of everyone in recruiting members; this has been recognised with the award of the Jellicoe Shield. I would also like to highlight the fund-raising, generally and through the Poppy campaign in particular, which has been very impressive.
I have been supported superbly by Rodney Curtis, the Chairman, and the Committee and I wish to thank them all. Finally, the Branch will be in good hands with Major General Graham Hollands as President and so I wish him and the whole branch good luck with recruiting, fund-raising and welfare support in the future. Bonne chance a tous et a toutes!

Simon Owen is presented with a plaque in recognition
of his service by Branch Chairman, Rodney Curtis
Graham Hollands shakes hands with Simon Owen as he takes
over as Branch President. The Chairman looks on

Letter from the incoming President ... I am delighted to accept the invitation of the Committee of the Central Brittany Branch of the Royal British Legion to become your next President. For those who are not already aware, my military service spanned 32 years, after which I became Principle of a College. Latterly I worked in Serbia leading a project to plan the restructuring of the Serbian Ministry of Defence. Since living in France I have established a Military History enterprise which involves me in lecturing in Europe and the USA and leading interested groups around the Normandy Battlefields.
The Central Brittany Branch is recognised as a Flagship among expatriate branches and the award of the Jellicoe Shield last year is testament to the energy of the members and your Committee in furthering the purposes of the Legion. I am proud to be a part of your future and will do my utmost to secure and enhance our already high reputation.
In these times when reputations are continually under scrutiny, and economic difficulties affect so many ex-service personnel, our role is ever more important. We have a duty to maintain the integrity and reputation of our Branch and maintain our focus on the reasons for our existence, which apart from remembrance will inevitably and increasingly place demands on welfare funding and support.
Although we live at La Manche in Normandy and are still working, my wife Lesley and I hope to be able to visit with sufficient frequency that we get to know you all very well. Again, thank you for asking me to be your President and I look forward to a long and rewarding association with you all.

*** EVENTS *** see - Events Page

Contact details for all the Branch Officers

Click here for Details
Branch President
Letter from the Secretary

Every person who has served in HM Forces is entitled to have the UK Union Flag draped over his/her coffin. The Royal British Legion, Central Brittany Branch, has available a UK Union Flag (7ft 6" x 3ft 9"). Contact Rodney Curtis, chairman for further information

Click to Launch Website


Everyone who served in HM Armed Forces up to and including 31 December 1994 is now entitled to claim a Veterans Lapel Badge available free of charge from the Veterans Agency

Click here or picture of badge for more details

Postage Stamps

Don't Throw Your Used Stamps Away! They Generate An Income.


Send To:

Sandra Belsten

Branch Secretary

2 Rue Jean Le Breton

56420 Cruguel

RAISING THE STANDARDS AT FROMELLES - A personal account of proceedings by Mick Berrill,
Branch Vice Chairman. Please click on this link - Standards at Fromelles

** HARRY PATCH FUNERAL ** - Read a personal account of the ceremony by Rodney Curtis,
Banch Chairman. Please click on this link - Harry Patch Funeral

A PERSONAL ACCOUNT BY KATE CURTIS. Please click on this link - D-Day 2009

Each year the family make their pilgrimage laying wreaths and poppies on behalf of RBL members, read this moving account
Click here to view the story and accompanying pictures



Article written by Lt Col Graham Jefferies

3rd Parachute Brigade
Memorial Association

Click on this link: http://3rdpara.canalblog.com/

Christmas Lunch 2010 Pictures |  Christmas Draw 2010 |  Christmas Lunch Menu 2010
2010 AGM Convening Notice |  2010 AGM Agenda |  2010 AGM Nominations
Minutes AGM 2009 |  Poppy Appeal 2009 |  Christmas Draw 2009 |  Christmas Lunch Menu 2009
AGM 2008 |  Poppy Appeal 2008 |  Iraq & Afghanistan |  French Association Licence
Christmas Lunch 2008 Pictures |  Christmas Draw 2008 |  Christmas Lunch Menu 2008

If you would like to contact any of the branch officers or require any further information on this website or any aspect of the Royal British Legion and/or the work of the Central Brittany Branch then please contact the WEBMASTER. Thank you

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